“…In fact, outside of the strongly pumped limit, the only effect that the dump field has on P 4π is through the lowering of the equilibrium excited state population ρ 11 , and P 4π actually decreases with increasing Γ d . In the weakly dumped, linear excitation regime, the coherent part of the |1⟩→ |2⟩ dipole response to the incoming field E i can be described by a polarizability, ⟨ d ( t )⟩ = d 12 ρ 12 = α E i /2. Writing the electric field magnitude E i in terms of d 12 , Ω i and γ as d 12 Ω i /γ = (3ϵ 0 λ 3 /8 π 2 ) E i gives the explicit expression for α inv in the fully inverted limit: Using eq and eq , we confirm that σ R /σ stim = γ/Γ ≪ 1. As a side note, comparing to the polarizability of a noninverted 2-level system with the same dipole matrix element d 12 and a nonradiative relaxation rate Γ ≫ γ, the inverted polarizability has opposite sign and equal magnitude. This 4-level model ignores contributions to the polarizability from additional excited levels, which can in principle provide larger scattering than noninverted, ground state systems …”