People's evaluations in the domain of healthy eating are at least partly determined by the choice context. We systematically test reference level and rank-based models of relative comparisons against each other and explore their application to social norms nudging, an intervention that aims at influencing consumers' behavior by addressing their inaccurate beliefs about their consumption relative to the consumption of others. Study 1 finds that the rank of a product or behavior amongst others in the immediate comparison context, rather than its objective attributes, influences its evaluation. Study 2 finds that when a comparator is presented in isolation the same rank-based process occurs based on information retrieved from memory. Study 3 finds that telling people how their consumption ranks within a normative comparison sample increases willingness to pay for a healthy food by over 30% relative to the normal social norms intervention that tells them how they compare to the average. We conclude that social norms interventions should present rank information (e.g., "you are in the most unhealthy 10% of eaters") rather than information relative to the average (e.g., "you consume 500 calories more than the average person"). Kees, & Huggins, 2006; Freelands-Graves & Nitzke, 2002), the prevalence of health-related issues arising from poor dietary choices is on the rise. It has been suggested that one factor contributing to food overconsumption is the relative nature of people's evaluation of food products and their healthiness, which can lead to the same foods being appraised differently depending on the other food options available in the decision-making context (Chandon & Wansink, 2012; Chernev, 2011; Geier, Rozin, & Doros, 2006;Sharpe, Staelin, & Huber, 2008;Wansink, Just, & Payne, 2009).
KeywordsIn the present study, we first contribute to this literature using the rank principle as embodied in rank-based models such as Range Frequency Theory (RFT; Parducci, 1965) and Decision by Sampling (DbS;Stewart, Chater, & Brown, 2006), which have previously been applied in cognitive and social psychology. We extend the models here to both the consumption and the broader consumer research (cf. also Niedrich, Sharma, & Wedell, 2001;Niedrich, Weathers, Hill, & Bell, 2009). In doing so we explain how people's evaluations and purchase of products involve integration of information about a product with information on rival products present in the choice context or retrieved from memory. Second, in direct tests across three studies we advance theory in the field of consumers' food choice by finding support for the predictions of rank-based models rather than the extant dominant model (based on reference level; Helson, 1947). Third, we show how to improve social norms interventions, as commonly used in social marketing and public health, through a minor reframing of the interventional messages to target people's natural ways of processing information as suggested by DbS and RFT.
Contextual Influence on Food Evaluation and...