This article deals with nanoindentation analysis of welded overlay layer of Inconel 625 alloy on 16Mo3 steel and their interface (transition zone). The microstructure of weld metal is analyzed, as well as the weld-on steel and subsequently nanoindentation properties (nanohardnes, reduced modulus of elasticity) of selected structural components. The weld of Inconel 625 alloy is realized on a tube made of 16Mo3 steel, which is bent by the so-called critical bending (d≤0,7D). The article also deals with the change of investigated properties of the weld after that bending. The samples prepared from the areas with highest compressive and tensile load after the tube bending on outer, respectively inner bend arc were used for the research. Nanoindentation analysis was performed with using a Hysitron Triboindenter TI950 and its evaluation software Triboscan. nanoindentation weld overlay Inconel 625 alloy 16Mo3 steel microstructure