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ABSTRACTAbnormal levels of total creatine (tCr) in veterans with Gulf War Illness have been observed in prior studies. The goal of this research is to estimate amounts and 1 H transverse relaxation times (T2s) of the methyl peaks of the molecules phosphocreatine (PCr) and free creatine (Cr) in brains of ill and well control) Gulf War veterans using phosphorus ( 31 P) and proton ( 1 H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). This will add more detailed and specific information about the previous preliminary reports of abnormal levels of these metabolites in brains of ill Gulf War veterans, validating this potential diagnostic marker and providing better understanding of underlying pathophysiology. Secondary goals are to measure amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), inorganic phosphate (P i ), and magnesium ion (Mg 2+ ) and to estimate intracellular pH from 31 P MRS data. Year 1 progress and achievements included testing of a new dual-tuned 31 P-1 H head coil for 3T MRS, developing and optimizing protocols and parameters for 31 P and 1 H MRS, performing theoretical calculations using parameter estimates from the literature to characterize the creatine phosphokinase (CPK)-catalyzed chemical exchange of phosphate between PCr and Cr, and doing normal volunteer experiments to explore and determine the best 3T parameters for measuring biexponential 1 H T 2 relaxation of the methyl peak of tCr at 3.0 ppm.