Abstract:In some regions the main geological occurrences contain igneous pyroclastics formations such as rhyodacite and rhyolithic tuffs. An extended region with dominant alterations has been detected by remote sensing techniques for sampling purposes according to field observation activities. Enhancement of alterations has been done in Ramand region after applying a Crosta-based selective principle component analysis technique on ETM photomaps. Advanced Silicification haloes are most important evidence indicate to Base and Precious metals potentials in postmagmatic environments. For identifying the Silica content and related variations in epithermal systems, Crosta technique is adequate. This method introduces to recognition some clay and iron-oxides aggregations as the main part of gold bearing hydrothermal alterations in prospected regions. Concluded photomaps of which signals have been improved by mathematical analysis contained number of unique digital numbers related to mineralization potentials in Ramand region, Qazvin province, Iran.