This work is a summary of experiments, numerical simulations, and analytic modeling that demonstrate improved radiation confinement when changing from a hohlraum made from gold to one made from a mixture of high Z materials ("cocktail").First, the results from several previous planar sample experiments are described that demonstrated the potential of cocktail wall materials. Then a series of more recent experiments are described in which the radiation temperatures of hohlraums made from uranium-based cocktails were directly measured and compared with a gold reference hohlraum. Once cocktail hohlraums with minimal oxygen contamination were made, an increase in radiation of up to ~7 eV was measured, which agrees well with modeling.When applied to an indirectly-driven fusion capsule absorbing ~160 kJ of x-ray energy, 2 this data suggests that a hohlraum made from a suitably chosen uranium-based cocktail would have about 17% less wall losses and require about 10% less laser energy than a gold hohlraum of the same size.
3Increasing the hohlraum coupling efficiency (ratio of capsule absorbed energy to laser energy) for indirectly-driven inertial confinement fusion experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is desired because it would allow one to drive an ignition capsule with reduced laser energy. The radiation temperature a hohlraum achieves is the result of a balance between sources and sinks ( Fig. 1). This radiation energy balance is described by the following equation [1].Here, E cap is the x-ray energy absorbed by the fusion capsule in the center of the hohlraum, (E Laser -E Scatter ) is the laser energy delivered inside the hohlraum with backscatter losses accounted for, η CE is the fraction of that energy that is converted to xrays, E wall is the x-ray energy lost into the hohlraum wall, and E LEH is the x-ray energy that escapes out the laser entrance holes (LEHs). In this work, we show that we can reduce E wall by replacing a standard gold hohlraum with one made from a combination of high Z materials. For a fixed E cap , which is set by the ignition capsule design, reducing the wall losses allows one to reduce the amount of laser energy required for ignition, which increases the lifetime of NIF laser optics and thus has a large impact on facility operating costs. Alternatively, at fixed laser energy, reducing wall losses allows one to drive a capsule with more absorbed energy, thus increasing margin for ignition.The x-ray losses into the hohlraum wall are well modeled as a radiation ablation front diffusing into a cold wall, the so-called Marshak wave [2]. The starting point for that theory is the one-dimensional diffusion equation that describes the conservation of energy for a radiating fluid. In words, that equation states that the time derivative of the energy density is equal to the gradient of the diffusive energy flux. If we neglect the 4 radiation component of the energy density and the material component of the diffusive energy flux, we get ! " "t #ewhere ρ is the density, e is t...