Tracer studies are analyzed almost universally by multicompartmental models where the state variables are tracer amounts or activities in the different pools. The model parameters are rate constants, defined naturally by expressing fluxes as fractions of the source pools. We consider an alternative state space with tracer enrichments or specific activities as the state variables, with the rate constants redefined by expressing fluxes as fractions of the destination pools. Although the redefinition may seem unphysiological, the commonly computed fractional synthetic rate actually expresses synthetic flux as a fraction of the product mass (destination pool). We show that, for a variety of structures, provided the structure is linear and stationary, the model in the enrichment state space has fewer parameters than that in the activities state space, and is hence better both to study identifiability and to estimate parameters. The superiority of enrichment modeling is shown for structures where activity model unidentifiability is caused by multiple exit pathways; on the other hand, with a single exit pathway but with multiple untraced entry pathways, activity modeling is shown to be superior. With the present-day emphasis on mass isotopes, the tracer in human studies is often of a precursor, labeling most or all entry pathways. It is shown that for these tracer studies, models in the activities state space are always unidentifiable when there are multiple exit pathways, even if the enrichment in every pool is observed; on the other hand, the corresponding models in the enrichment state space have fewer parameters and are more often identifiable. Our results suggest that studies with labeled precursors are modeled best with enrichments.