A variety of methods employing radiation transport and point-kernel codes have been used to model two skyshine problems. The first problem is a 1 MeV point source of photons on the surface of the earth inside a 2 m tall and 1 m radius silo having black walls. The skyshine radiation downfield from the point source was estimated with and without a 30-cm-thick concrete lid on the silo. The second benchmark problem is to estimate the skyshine radiation downfield from 12 cylindrical canisters emplaced in a low-level radioactive waste trench. The canisters are filled with ion-exchange resin with a representative radionuclide loading, largely 60Co, 134Cs and 137Cs. The solution methods include use of the MCNP code to solve the problem by directly employing variance reduction techniques, the single-scatter point kernel code GGG-GP, the QADMOD-GP point kernel code, the COHORT Monte Carlo code, the NAC International version of the SKYSHINE-III code, the KSU hybrid method and the associated KSU skyshine codes.