UHDL) provides access to collections of digital materials related to the institutional memory of the university and to areas connected to its teaching, research, and cultural missions. Recently, a variety of image archives have been processed and preserved. This article demonstrates the development of preservation metadata strategies at UHDL and the preservation of Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard (METS) records generated from customized "7train" based on Dublin Core (DC) descriptive metadata and NISO Metadata for Images in XML Schema (MIX) technical metadata using two open-source software tools (JHOVE and 7train). We are able to produce complete METS records for digital objects preserved.Ever since the University of Houston Digital Library (UHDL) was founded in 2009 it has been a platform to provide infrastructure for digital collections reflecting the history of the University of Houston, the City of Houston, and the State of Texas, as well as other historically and culturally significant materials related to the University's teaching and research mission.A comprehensive digital library program is being developed that will provide our students, faculty, and the greater community a rich and exciting environment of digital resources and knowledge. The goal of UHDL is also Address correspondence to Mingyu Chen, 83 84 M. Chen and M. Reilly to trigger more activities and collaborations throughout the UH campus, ensuring that research and scholarship materials are collected and preserved in digital form. UHDL considers balancing the need for collecting materials, with access to the materials and the preservation of the materials as the backbone of our efforts.This deeper preservation effort demands greater resources-monetary, staff hours, and technology-than simple collection and access demand, which makes automated processing of metadata imperative. In order to support UHDL's strategic preservation plan the metadata group has been trying to explore a better and more productive way to acquire preservation metadata automatically.This article demonstrates the development of preservation metadata strategies at UHDL and the preservation of Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard (METS) records generated from customized 7train based on Dublin Core (DC) descriptive metadata and NISO Metadata for Images in XML Schema (MIX) technical metadata using two open-source software tools (JHOVE and 7train). Using these tools we are able to produce complete METS records for digital objects preserved automatically.
PROBLEM STATEMENTA number of studies have been conducted in combining multiple schema, such as METS, MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema), and MIX, while implementing preservation. Most of the studies have been focused on MODS because MODS can effectively get around the deficiencies in DC and "offers a richer set of approximately 80 elements which allows a much greater degree of precision" (Gartner, 2008). Dappert and Enders (2008) adopted METS, MODS, and PREMIS (Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies) t...