The aim of this study is to analyse tourism promotion of eight provinces of Andalusia from 2010 to 2022, and to examine the ways that tourism promotion campaigns influence and stimulate the improving of tourism supply and demand at Andalusian provinces. The methodology used in this study collected data from Andalusian public organizations (secondary data), and information related to this topic from researchers and organizations (primary data) for the purpose of this research project. This research provides a new contribution to tourism industry and promotion strategies context. Findings of the current study prove that DMOs of Andalusian provinces increased the tourism promotion budgets and campaigns to revitalize the tourism demand and supply due to the pandemic crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Indeed, results of this research suggest that Andalusia’s tourism promotion budgets and campaigns have helped to improve the number of passenger arrivals, number of tourists, hotel occupancy rate, overnight stays at hotels by international and Spanish, and total overnight stay indicators in the period analysed, especially in the years 2021 and 2022. The contribution of this study has a great relevance to tourist destinations, DMOs, hotels, airports, and stakeholders where application of tourism promotion budgets, joint promotion campaigns, and new tourism products and services should be implemented to improve the tourism supply and demand, guarantee the regional and local economy and well-being of population.