Twenty-first century is an increasingly diverse society and interdependent global community. Due to changing demographics in higher education and increasing demands of the educative value of diversity in need, "twenty-first-century college student diversity outcomes" is a term used to describe the skills necessary for college graduates to function in the diverse world. This study is to examine the relationship between the level of participation in curricular diversity engagement activity, co-curricular diversity engagement activity, level of campus climate, and level of participation in meaningful interaction with a sense of civic responsibility. It also tested the level of meaningful interaction as a moderator between the relationship of level of participation in curricular, co-curricular and civic responsibility among students. This study was adopting purposive sampling, 1.420 respondents of different ethnicities at six Malaysia universities involved. Survey through selfadministered questionnaires was used in this study. Social Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Structured Equation Modelling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) used for analysis. The findings provided useful information to better understanding regarding the level of participation of students in diversity engagement activity and their sense of civic responsibility. This findings also could be used by the university to enhanced curricular and cocurricular diversity engagement activity and campus climate that support diversity.