The purpose of this review was to analyse empirical studies on inclusion in physical education (PE) over the past 20 years and then propose recommendations for future research. A systematic process was used to search the literature for this review. First, a total of 75 research-based articles from computerised education databases were included in this review. Second, the publication descriptor data were summarised and analysed according to the geographic distribution, study period, research theme, and research method. Results showed that the number of studies on inclusive PE increased in the past 20 years, and most of these studies were contributed by authors in developed countries. Quantitative methods were the major research method employed in the reviewed studies. Third, we performed a content analysis on the descriptive data and identified three recurring themes from the empirical research. These included: stakeholder (e.g., teachers and parents) perspectives of inclusive PE, effective inclusive practices, and the impacts of inclusion on students with and without disabilities. Of the 75 studies reviewed, 49 (65%) focused on stakeholder perspectives on inclusive PE. The data indicated that stakeholders philosophically support inclusive PE, but numerous concerns and different opinions exist. Only 12 (16%) studies examined the effects of different inclusive strategies. The studies suggested that strategies such as peer tutoring and cooperative learning can provide useful support within inclusive PE. A total of 14 (19%) studies focused on the effect of inclusion on students with and without disabilities. The data indicated that inclusion in PE does not affect the learning outcome of students without disabilities when given support (e.g., using paraprofessionals and adapted PE specialists) or when a solid curriculum is used. However, students with disabilities experienced less motor engagement than their peers without disabilities. The findings of these studies also indicated that although students with disabilities can gain benefits from social interactions in inclusive PE, social isolation of students with disabilities also exists. In conclusion, this review has enhanced our knowledge of the type of studies undertaken in the field of inclusive PE for students with disabilities and some of the outcomes for these students.