The ability of several atmosphere-only and coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models (AGCMs and CGCMs, respectively) is explored for the prediction of seasonal July-September (JAS) Sahel rainfall. The AGCMs driven with observed sea surface temperature (SST) over the period 1968-2001 confirm the poor ability of such models to represent interannual Sahel rainfall variability. However, using a model output statistics (MOS) approach with the predicted low-level wind field over the tropical Atlantic and western part of West Africa yields good Sahel rainfall skill for all models. Skill is mostly captured in the leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF1), representing large-scale fluctuation in the regional circulation system over the tropical Atlantic. This finding has operational significance for the utility of AGCMs for short lead-time prediction based on persistence of June SST information; however, studies have shown that for longer lead-time forecasts, there is substantial loss of skill, relative to that achieved using the observed JAS SST.The potential of CGCMs is therefore explored for extending the lead time of Sahel rainfall predictions. Some of the models studied, when initialized using April information, show potential to at least match the levels of skill achievable from assuming persistence of April SST. One model [NCEP Climate Forecasting System (CFS)] was found to be particularly promising. Diagnosis of the hindcasts available for the CFS (from lead times up to six months for 1981-2008) suggests that, especially by applying the same MOS approach, skill is achieved through capturing interannual variations in Sahel rainfall (primarily related to El Niñ o-Southern Oscillation in the period of study), as well as the upward trend in Sahel rainfall that is observed over 1981-2008, which has been accompanied by a relative warming in the North Atlantic compared to the South Atlantic. At lead times up to six months (initialized forecasts in December), skill levels are maintained with the correlation between predicted and observed Sahel rainfall at approximately r 5 0.6. While such skill levels at these long lead times are notably higher than previously achieved, further experiments, such as over the same period and with comparable AGCMs, are required for definitive attribution of the advance to the use of a coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling approach. Nonetheless, the detrended skill achieved here by the January-March initializations (r 5 0.33) must require an approach that captures the evolution of the key ocean-atmosphere anomalies from boreal winter to boreal summer, and approaches that draw on persistence in ocean conditions have not previously been successful.Corresponding author address: Ousmane Ndiaye,