Children with histories of abuse or neglect are the most expensive child population to insure for their mental health needs. This paper quantifies the magnitude of Medicaid expenditures incurred on the purchase of psychotropic drugs for these children.
Child participants (N=4445) in the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW) – consisting of children investigated for suspected abuse and neglect – were linked to their Medicaid claims from 36 states. Expenditures on psychotropic mediations between the NSCAW sample and a propensity score-matched comparison sample were compared using a two-part regression of logistic and generalized linear models.
Children surveyed in NSCAW had twice the odds of psychotropic drug use, and $190 higher mean annual expenditures on psychotropic drugs than those in the comparison sample. Increased expenditures on antidepressants and antimanic drugs were the primary drivers of these increased expenditures. Male gender and white race/ethnicity were associated with significantly increased expenditures. Children in primary care case management had $325 lower expenditures than those in fee-for-service Medicaid. Among NSCAW children alone, male gender, older age, being in poorer health, and scoring in the clinical range of the Child Behavior Checklist all increased expenditures on psychotropic drugs.
Medicaid agencies should focus their cost containment strategies on antidepressants and antimanic drugs, consider expanding primary care case management arrangements, and expand use of instruments such as the Child Behavior Checklist to identify and treat high-need children.