Failure to rescue a patient that is experiencing deteriorating symptoms is a major cause of mortality in the acute care settings. The nurse is at the forefront of prevention and recognition of patient distress. Failure to rescue patients that are displaying symptoms of deterioration is becoming a national crisis due to treatment complications and missed signs and symptoms of impending arrest [1]. New nurse graduates must have additional training to assist them in the recognition of the signs of impending crisis. This paper will discuss the need for additional training after nursing school to address this issue and assist the new graduate nurse in their transition to practice. The development of a New Graduate Nurse simulation education program for Littleton Regional Healthcare and their Alliance Hospitals was the primary focus of this project. PICOT: How will the use of simulated emergency scenarios with intermittent audit/feedback impact the knowledge level and clinical reasoning of new nurse graduates in an acute care setting? High Fidelity Simulation patient scenarios of impending crisis were developed for a 4-hour educational workshop. New nurse graduates with under 2.5 years experience attended the training with results showing that high fidelity simulation training scenarios with intermittent audit feedback assisted the new nurses to recognize signs and symptoms of impending crisis, how to develop skills to work as a team member, and gave them more confidence in reporting mistakes and voicing concerns. The literature search completed for this study shows that the new graduate nurse needs to develop clinical reasoning skills and gain experience on how to respond to patients with clinical emergencies and simulation can assist with this knowledge to practice gap [2].
Subject AreasSimulation Education, Nursing Valley Hospital, will utilize the new graduate simulation program that is the result of this project.
Significance of Practice ProblemFailure to rescue a patient that is experiencing deteriorating symptoms is a major cause of mortality in the acute care settings. The recognition of patients experiencing deteriorating symptoms often lands on the medical surgical nurse.These nurses need to feel confident in caring for acutely ill patients and they may not get the needed experience by the time they arrive on the medical sur-
PICOHow will the use of simulated emergency scenarios with intermittent audit/feedback impact the knowledge level and clinical reasoning of new nurse graduates in an acute care setting?
Problem RecognitionStep 1: Problem RecognitionIt is important for nurses to recognize and respond appropriately to patients that are experiencing deteriorating symptoms and emerging emergency situa-
Needs AssessmentStep Alliance. This health care alliance was forming at the time this project began, and was completed at the end of the project.
Population of InterestPopulation/Patient ProblemThe population of interest for this study includes new graduate nurses that work in the acute care settin...