is distance between the electrodes and h 0 is the thickness of the template. The second term is the Laplace pressure, and P 0 is atmospheric pressure, with the other variables being previously defined. If DP > 0, the PDMS will be drawn into the template. Figure 5B shows the PDMS surface produced with a 1.09 10 5 PS-b-PMMA template (Fig. 3B). As can be seen, the diameter and separation distance of the pores in the template have been replicated with high fidelity. However, even with an applied field of 3.5 kV cm ±1 , the discs on the PDMS surface are only 6 nm in height, in comparison to the pore depth of 40 nm. Consequently, while the applied field has enhanced the filling of the pores, complete filling of the pores has not occurred. It should be noted that, if the porous template is removed from the substrate and placed on the surface of liquid PDMS, the pores of the template will fill and the template will sink into the PDMS. Consequently, the failure to completely fill the porous template on the surface of a substrate by the three routes discussed, is a consequence of the difficulty in removing air trapped in the base of the pores. In addition, it is not possible to independently determine whether the nanoscopic cylinders have been torn during removal. Though the uniform height of the cylinders seen would argue against this. All efforts, to date, have been unsuccessful in perfect replication. Thus, while the lateral features of the template can be replicated with high fidelity, the heights of the replicated features, while uniform, did not match those of the master. Nonetheless, the replicas have a well-defined and controllable topography and are being examined for use in nano-contact printing.
ExperimentalA hydroxy end-functionalized random copolymer of styrene and methyl methacrylate, denoted PS-r-PMMA, having a styrene fraction of 0.6, was synthesized in bulk via a 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl oxide (TEMPO) ªliv-ingº free-radical polymerization. The molecular weight was determined to be M w = 9600 with M w /M n = 1.80 by size-exclusion chromatography. The random copolymer was anchored to the native oxide surface of silicon substrates by annealing spin coated films under vacuum at 165 C for 3 days. This allows the alcohol end group to diffuse to and covalently bond to the oxide surface. After rinsing with toluene a well-defined, thin layer of PS-r-PMMA having thickness of~6 nm remained. Asymmetric PS-b-PMMA was synthesized by anionic polymerization. The molecular weights of PS-b-PMMA used in this study were 69 000, 73 400, and 109 000 g mol ±1 with polydispersities of~1.06. These copolymers are designated as 69 K, 73 K, and 109 K, respectively.Films with thickness about the bulk period (L 0 ) of the block copolymers were prepared by spin casting toluene solutions of the block copolymers onto surfaces to which the random copolymer was grafted. Film thickness was measured with a Rudolph Research AutoEL-II ellipsometer using a helium-neon laser (k = 632.8 nm) at a 70 incidence angle. The samples were anneal...