The transport of moisture in textile layers plays an important role in the conveyance of thermal energy through those layers. During physical activity, a constant core temperature can in general only be maintained through the dissipation of thermal energy. As is well known, this can take place through radiation, conduction or convection, but for vigorous activity requires perspiration, namely evaporative cooling. If the perspired moisture evaporates directly on the skin, considerably more energy is extracted from the body than when it is transported in a liquid state to outer layers of the clothing, in which case evaporation merely cools the ambient air instead. In a cold climate, dry skin is important for comfort at rest, whereas during activity a more complicated behavior is desirable: Evaporation of moisture on or near the skin while it produces enough perspiration to maintain a wet clothing layer in contact with it, which is when the need for cooling is greatest, followed by rapid removal of the liquid perspiration from the immediate vicinity of the skin as the perspiration rate declines, to avoid overcooling (post-exercise chill). In a warm climate, on the other hand, all liquid perspiration should be evaporated as close to the skin as possible to maximize the cooling effect. To achieve these different moisture-management behaviors in textiles, multilayer configurations are often used, and it becomes important to characterize the distribution of moisture, especially in liquid form, in such multilayers as a function of time.The transport of moisture through multilayer textile combinations has frequently been studied by means of gravimetric analysis in earlier work [1,2,4,5,15]. A major disadvantage of such methods is that a part of the moisture escapes into the ambient air within a few seconds when the layers of clothing are separated for weighing. This is especially the case for materials such as polyester or polypropylene, that store very little moisture themselves and where the moisture can be localized in the capillaries of the intermediate spaces. A second problem is that following the time dependence of the moisture transport requires restarting the entire conditioning and wetting process of the sample for each measurement, which is time-consuming. The inplane distribution of moisture is another important aspect of the problem for which gravimetric analysis is inadequate.
1One method which has largely met these challenges is neutron radiography, which has been shown to be able to give a two-dimensional profile of the moisture distribution of each layer in a multilayer configuration at distinct time intervals [16]. There it was possible to observe the gross temporal progress of the moisture transport, without having to manipulate the clothing systems. While there were Abstract X-ray-tomography was used to investigate the moisture distribution of multilayered textiles under praxis conditions. It was possible to follow the dynamics of the moisture transport without disturbing an ensemble during measuremen...