This is a dissertation constructed out of thousands of little fragments. The theoretical and practical interpretations were drawn out of observation and several documents published in Mexico and the United States, and out of endless discussion with Mexican as well as American colleagues, and friends. Contributions to this study were made by professors at Iowa State University and the University of Guadalajara, classmates, and even family members and friends totally unrelated to the field. I fear that I may overlook some significant contributors but thesis guidelines prevent me from mentioning everyone. There are some acknowledgments that I cannot fail to make. The support that I received from my major professor, Greg Miller was always there. Dr. Miller's expertise in the field of agricultural education and technology applications provided real guidance for this study. He even dared to go twice to Mexico with me and other students in an attempt to learn more about this topic in that particular place in the world. I appreciate his interest so much. The committee members were all so supportive. Their suggestions made my life easier in the construction of this project. Dr. Julia Gamon, even in her retirement process helped me with her vast knowledge of educational evaluation. My conversations with Dr. Lynn Jones around adult education were real dialogs with synergetic-creative results. Dr. Robert Martin with his knowledge about international agriculture shed more light and encouragement. Dr. Eric Abbott was again a member of my committee. His experience in Latin America and technology issues in agricultural communication is an asset for the discipline. I owe him so much. I always thought that it was thanks to him that I was able to come to Iowa initially for my degree in Journalism. In Iowa, not only did I get my Masters degree but I also met my husband, my kids were welcomed, and pursued a Ph. D. degree. I can only attest that Iowa is a good place to grow. X For this project I received financial support fi'om the International Agricultural Programs office at Iowa State University. This gesture shows interest in strengthening their relationships with the rest of the world. I hope that this relationship with the University of Guadalajara will be long and productive. In Guadalajara, I consistently got all the support I needed at the University of Guadalajara CUCBA Center. I want to say thanks to the Rector Arturo Curiel Ballesteros and all the team, specifically the Academic Programs Coordinator Martin Tena Mesa, and staff members Gerardo Rodriguez and Vicky. I also got the help of my good fiiends Natividad Cobarruvias, Ana Valenzuela, my brother Arturo, sisters Pilar, Gabriela and Julia. My parents Arturo & Margarita will always deserve special recognition for their vision and wise advise throughout my life. Special recognition to my best fiiend and husband Don Carr. Don helped me in all aspects, and bits and pieces of my everyday life with this project; including all our trips to Mexico. Possessing a doctorate in com...