She has developed a research program in sustainable engineering of bioproducts. Her research ranges from design of systems based on industrial ecology and byproduct synergies, life cycle and sustainability assessments of biopolymers and biofuels, and design and analysis of sustainable solutions for healthcare. Since 2007, she has lead seven federal research projects and collaborated on many more, totaling over $7M in research, with over $12M in collaborative research. At ASU, Dr. Landis continues to grow her research activities and collaborations to include multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable systems with over 60 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Landis is dedicated to sustainability engineering education and outreach; she works with local high schools, after school programs, local nonprofit organizations, and museums to integrate sustainability and engineering into K-12 and undergraduate curricula.c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Page 26.915.1
Improving engineering student persistence and diversity through conative understanding AbstractEngineering teaching strategies that engage students are desperately needed to recruit, retain, and prepare students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields to address challenges facing the 21 st Century. This paper describes a method for integrating behavioral instinct learning modules into freshman engineering classes. The method includes an online instinct assessment, in-class activities created to illustrate instinctive behavior related to engineering tasks, practicing awareness through class projects, and reflective writing to encourage students to critically think about this awareness for future classes, activities, and careers. The effectiveness of the methods described herein will be evaluated through the use of surveys, reflective essays, and interviews with faculty and students. The assessments have not yet been completed; we are in the midst of collecting data for the semester. Our initial results show that conative understanding increases satisfaction and confidence, which we hypothesize will lead to improved retention. This paper summarizes the conative interventions in engineering, the research methods, and preliminary results.