Today's ''noisy" commercial electromagnetic environment (EME) sometimes approaches the higher level and potentially hostile environments traditionally encountered by some military equipment. The need to operate either commercial or military electronic equipment's in the vicinity of these high level environments provides an incentive to develop an internally protected universal ground adapter that will provide electromagnetic inteqerence (EMI) protection for both c -all of its internal conductors. To ensure adequate system performance in this environment, the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) engineer is often required to isolate noisy EM environmental areas from susceptible equipment or their cables. This isolation is often accomplished by establishing an effective "Faraday shield, metallic boundary" around sensitive electronics equipments and systems. Sucha metallic boundary occursat environmental inteqaces, such as those that occur with portable enclosures or vans, vehicles, buildings, ships, as well as externally mounted electriclelectronic cabinets and junction boxes. To practically implement this Faraday shieldit is necessary to "treat" all cables andconductors thatpenetrate this Faraday shield. An improved technique to accomplish this could use a recently patented ' grounding device, the universal ground adapter (UGA). This UGA shunts all excessive EM energy being conducted on either cable shields or conduits into the groundplane or Faraday shield. The UGA however provides EM protection to only the outer (shield) portions of the cable or conduit. To completely protect sensitive components or circuits within this Faraday shield it will be necessary to add internal breakdown protection on all conductorspassing through this device. This will minimize or eliminate all higher level undesirable signals, (unwanted conducted energy) from transiting the Faraday shield.To support this internal conductor grounding requirement, an "internally protected" universal ground adapter (IPUGA)' was developed that offers protection to both ground lines (i.e., shields, braids, armors and conduits, etc.) and signal, control andlor power lines (i.e., any and all internal metallicconductors) thatpenetrate thelPUGA. Thisprotection to all signal conductors is achieved without efsecting the design peqormance of any electrical or electronic system to which the cable is connected. Under normal conditions the proper high impedance between all conductors is maintained. During exposure to high level energy this high impedance, dielectric material temporarily becomes a short to the IPUGA body, thereby shunting all energy on internal conductors harmlessly into the ground plane. The IPUGA concept will be explained by this paper.
BacksoundAs shown in Figure 1, a metallic boundary is typically established by EMI and EMP personnel to protect electronic equipment from both high level electromagnetic (EM) fields as well as ground plane currents. These EM fields can be created in peacetime by lightning and nearby communication transmitters or in ...