(MBMD), the successor to the Millon Behavioral Health inventory (MBHI), is a 165-true/false-item multidimensional self-report inventory for use with patients ages 18-85 in clinical and rehabilitation settings. The MBMD is designed to assess psychosocial assets and liabilities that may impact medical treatment for chronically ill patients. The MBMD is available in both English and Spanish and is intended for use with individuals with at least a sixth grade reading level. Administration requires approximately 20-25 min and can be completed using a pencil-and-paper format (with or without audio support) or via computer using desktop software or web-based administration. Scoring options include manual scoring, as well as Q-global™ web-based, Q-Local™ software, fax-in, or mail-in scoring. Reporting options include a Profile Report, as well as Interpretative Reports for General Medical, Bariatric, and Pain populations. Pain Patient Reports can be tailored to either Presurgical or Nonsurgical considerations. In order to facilitate communication about psychological concepts with medical staff, a one-page Healthcare Provider Summary can be generated to provide an overview similar to a medical lab report. The MBMD comprises 39 scales including 29 clinical scales, six negative health habit indicator scales, three response pattern scales, and one validity indicator (see Table 1). The Psychiatric Indication scales assess comorbidities that may affect health management. The Coping Styles scales assess the patient's approaches to managing everyday problems, as well as their medical condition and major life stressors. The Stress Moderators scales help to identify attitudes and resources that may impact health care. The Treatment Prognostics scales are constructed to measure factors that may interfere or strengthen treatment adherence. The Management Guides consists of two scales that summarize adjustment concerns as well as the likelihood a patient would benefit from psychosocial interventions. The Negative Health Habits scales assess problematic behaviors affecting health. Distorted response tendencies are assessed via the Response Patterns scales.