The researcher aimed to highlight the effect of project management practices on project Performance. Effective project management is a key strategic capability that allows organizations to bridge the gap between project Performance and their business goals. The general objective of this study was to assess the effect of project management practices on the Performance of the USAID Soma Umenye project. The study was guided by three research objectives namely: to examine the effect of project scope management on the Performance of the USAID Soma Umenye project; To explore the effect of effective stakeholder management on the Performance of the USAID Soma Umenye project; and to assess the effect of project human resource management on the Performance of USAID Soma Umenye project. This research adopted correlative study design. The study focused on the USAID Soma Umenye project in Rwanda specifically in Nyamagabe District. Project management practices were evaluated by USAID Soma Umenye project implementers, partners, and beneficiaries. The population of the study was 315 participants in the USAID Soma Umenye project in Nyamagabe District. The sample size was 176 respondents; it was calculated by using Solvin's sample size formula. The study was limited to Nyamagabe district, specifically in 5 sectors Gasaka, Tare, Kitabi, Kibilizi, and Cyanika. The respondents are a subset of P3 teachers, headteachers, and all SEIs of those sectors, DEO, DDE of Nyamagabe District, USAID Soma Umenye project staff at Nyamagabe district and national level. The researcher used two tools of data collection in the study including questionnaires and documentary reviews. The researcher used SPSS as a tool for data analysis. The findings revealed that there is positive and significant effect of project scope management on Performance of USAID Soma Umenye project, (β = 0.45; p-value < 5%),), hence the first hypothesis is rejected. The study findings indicated that there is positive and insignificant effect of stakeholder on Performance of USAID Soma Umenye project (β = 461; p-value < 5%), hence the second hypothesis was accepted. Thirdly, it was discovered that there is positive and significant effect of project HR management on Performance of USAID Soma Umenye project (β = 0.532; p-value < 5%), hence the third hypothesis was rejected. For recommendations, the management was suggested to get strong structure in promoting effective communication within any project. In addition, let the local leaders be part of the projects since these are same people that are always be in the communities even after the closure of the projects.