All known phototrophic metabolisms on Earth are based on one of three energy-converting pigments: chlorophyll-a, bacteriochlorophyll-a, and retinal, which is the chromophore in rhodopsins [1]. While the significance of chlorophylls in global energy flows and marine carbon cycling has been studied for decades, the contribution of retinal-based phototrophy remains largely unexplored [1,2]. This is despite the fact that hundreds of rhodopsins (including proteorhodopsins) have been identified across a broad phylogenetic range of microorganisms including euryarchaea, proteobacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi, dinoflagellates, and green algae [3,4]. Most importantly, quantitative field estimates of proteorhodopsin contributions to the solar energy flux captured by marine microorganisms are still lacking. Here, we report the first vertical distributions of the three energy-converting pigments (chlorophyll-a, bacteriochlorophyll-a and retinal) measured along a contrasting nutrient gradient through the Mediterranean Sea and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. The highest concentrations of proteorhodopsin were observed above the deep chlorophyll-a maxima, and their geographical distribution tended to be inversely related to that of chlorophyll-a, with highest levels in the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean. We further show that proteorhodopsins potentially absorb as much or more light energy than chlorophyll-a -based phototrophy and that their cellular energy yield was sufficient to sustain bacterial basal metabolism. Our results suggest that ubiquitous proteorhodopsin-containing heterotrophs are important contributors to the light energy captured in the sea. Given the predicted expansion of oligotrophy in response to global warming [5], the ecological role of marine proteorhodopsins could even increase in the future oceans.