Arts-based pedagogy (ABP) is an innovative teaching method combining art and learning in an existing curriculum. To understand the impact of students' perceptions of the effects of ABP on critical thinking, communication, and observational skills, 89 students completed an online survey. The results indicate that students enjoyed ABP and that it positively affected critical thinking, enhancing their future clinical practice and preparing them for increasingly complex health care environments.KEY WORDS Arts-Based Pedagogy -Critical Thinking -Undergraduate Nursing Students F or this study, baccalaureate nursing students completed arts-based assignments in two distinct courses. The assignments depicted their personal nursing metaparadigm and their definition of family. The aim of the study was to better understand student perceptions of an arts-based pedagogy (ABP) assignment and the impact of ABP on students' observational and communication skills. In addition, we sought to understand how ABP impacted critical thinking and future clinical practice.