Borinium ions,that is,two-coordinate boron cations, are the most electron-deficient isolable boron compounds.A s borinium ions have only four formal valence electrons on boron, they should show as trong tendency to accept electron pairs on the boron atom to fill its valence shell. Thus chemical reactions of borinium ions are expected to give products in which the coordination number of boron is increased from two to three or four.H owever,c ontrary to this expectation, we found that the dimesitylborinium ion (Mes 2 B + )u ndergoes twofold 1,2-carboboration reactions with two equivalents of diphenylacetylene to yield an unprecedented borinium ion (1 + ) with two substituted vinyl groups on the boron center.N MR spectroscopya nd X-rayd iffraction analysis of 1 + ,t ogether with electronic-structure calculations,revealed that the positive charge is delocalized over the entire p-conjugated system. The fact that the chemical transformation of ab orinium ion gives rise to ad ifferent borinium ion without ac hangei nt he coordination number is remarkable and should provide new insight into the chemistry of the Group 13 elements.Boron cations have attracted considerable attention from the viewpoint of the chemistry of Group 13 elements as well as chemical bonding theory. [1] Boron cations are classified into four-coordinate boronium [R 2 B + (DL) 2 ], three-coordinate borenium [R 2 B + (DL)],a nd two-coordinate borinium [R 2 B + ] ions (Figure 1). [1a,b] Among these,borinium ions are the most electron-deficient species as they have only four formal valence electrons on the boron center, and thus significantly deviate from the octet rule.U ntil recently,t he chemical reactivity of borinium ions had remained elusive. [1] In 2014, we reported the first successful isolation of the dimesitylborinium ion (Mes 2 B + ) [2] using chemically stable and weakly nucleophilic counteranions,s uch as the carborane anion [HCB 11 Cl 11 ] À [3] and the tetraarylborate [(C 6 F 5 ) 4 B] À [4] (Figure 2). We found that Mes 2 B + shows exceptional Lewis acidity and chalcogenophilicity to cause carbon-chalcogen double bond cleavage reactions of CO 2 and CS 2 at room temperature. [2a,b] These reactions were initiated by the addition of the chalcogen atom of CO 2 or CS 2 to the cationic boron center of Mes 2 B + .As indicated by these examples,highly electron-deficient borinium ions should have as trong tendencyt oa ccept electron pairs to fill the valence shell of the boron atom, giving rise to products with an increased coordination number for the boron center. However,wediscovered an unexpected Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: 1. Schematic representations of boron cations. LD = Lewis base.Figure 2. Transformation of the diarylborinium ion Mes 2 B + into the divinylborinium ion 1 + through twofold 1,2-carboboration with diphenylacetylene. The use of carborane [HCB 11 Cl 11 ] À or tetraarylborate [(C 6 F 5 ) 4 B...