Structural engineering companies (SECs) currently have a series of deficiencies that hinder their processes and interactions, decreasing their productivity, lacking collaborative and interconnected processes, not including current work methodologies such as building information modeling (BIM). e BIM methodology seeks to integrate processes and professionals involved in engineering tasks by working on platforms with coordinated and intelligent 3D virtual models. BIM has great potential for structural engineering companies (SEC) and solves their most salient problems. is paper defines a methodology to implement BIM in the SEC, focused on solving the complexities of the design phase, those that make the implementation of BIM in these offices a nontrivial task. Characterized by the optimization of resources, flexibility, and adaptability, the methodology proposed for BIM implementation within SEC clearly and objectively identifies the resources and expectations of the organizations, sets out the requirements necessary to develop the BIM methodology, and provides practical and technical recommendations for planning and monitoring the implementation.