Sex is a science of cutting edge but bathed in mystery. Coitus or sexual intercourse, which is at the core of sexual activities, requires healthy and functioning vessels to supply the pelvic region, thus contributing to clitoris erection and vaginal lubrication in female and penile erection in male. It is well known that nitric oxide (NO) is the main gas mediator of penile and clitoris erection. In addition, the lightest and diffusible gas molecule hydrogen (H2) has been shown to improve erectile dysfunction (ED), testis injuries, sperm motility in male, preserve ovarian function, protect against uterine inflammation, preeclampsia, and breast cancer in female. Mechanistically, H2 has strong abilities to attenuate excessive oxidative stress by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals, modulate immunity and inflammation, and inhibit injuries-induced cell death. Therefore, H2 is a novel bioactive gas molecule involved in modulating sexual organs homeostasis.