Ungerfeld, R., Pinczak, A., Forsberg, M. and Rubianes, E. 2002. Ovarian responses of anestrous ewes to the "ram effect". Can. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 599-602. Ovarian responses to the "ram effect" were characterized in 11 anestrous Corriedale ewes. In seven ewes, there was a luteinizing hormone (LH) surge 36.7 ± 12.3 h (mean ± SEM) after ram introduction and a concurrent increase (P < 0.05) in serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Ovarian responses (monitored ultrasonographically) were highly variable. One ewe had two luteal phases (short and normal, respectively), three had delayed ovulation (days 5-7), two had luteinization of non-ovulatory follicles, one developed a luteinized follicular cyst, and four had no luteal phase.
Key words:Ram effect, ovarian follicular dynamics, seasonal anestrus, ultrasonography, gonadotropin Ungerfeld, R., Pinczak, A., Forsberg, M. et Rubianes, E. 2002. Réaction ovarienne des brebis non en chaleur à un bélier. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 599-602. Onze brebis Corriedale non en chaleur ont servi à déterminer la réaction ovarienne à la présence du mâle. Sept sujets présentaient une élévation de la concentration de LH 36,7 ± 2.3 h (moyenne ± E.-T.) après introduction du béli-er, parallèlement à hausse (P < 0,05) de la concentration de FSH dans le sang. La réaction des ovaires (contrôlée par échographie) varie considérablement. Une brebis a connu deux phases lutéales (une brève et une normale, respectivement); trois ont affiché un retard d'ovulation (de 5 à 7 jours); dans deux cas, les follicules non ovulatoires s'étaient transformés en corps jaune; un animal a développé un kyste folliculaire lutéinisé et quatre n'ont passé par aucune phase lutéale.Mots clés : réaction au mâle, dynamique des follicules ovariens, anoestrus saisonnier, échographie, gonadotrophineThe response of isolated anestrous ewes to the introduction of rams (the "ram effect") has been known for many years. This response is characterized by an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency and a decrease in the negative feedback of estradiol-17β on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (Martin et al. 1986), culminating in an LH surge (approximately 30 h after ram introduction) that is followed by a "silent" ovulation (not associated with estrous behaviour). The resulting corpus luteum (CL) has either a normal or a short life span. Most ewes with a normal life span CL following their first ovulation display estrus prior to their second ovulation, whereas most of those with a short lifespan CL have a silent second ovulation and display estrus (for the first time) prior to their third ovulation. Consequently, a bimodal distribution of the estrus is observed, with two peaks concentrated 17-20 and 21-25 d, respectively, after ram introduction (Martin et al. 1986).Transrectal ultrasonography has been used to monitor ovarian follicular development in ewes. During seasonal anestrous, the interval between successive waves of follicular development was approximately 5 d (Bartlewski et al. 1998), similar to that during the estrous c...