Dear editor, A 16-year-old boy, presented with gradually progressive, painless swelling over the back for 1-month duration followed by similar swellings over head and chest. He also noticed bulging of the right eyeball with double vision in last 1 week. Clinical examination revealed a thin built and cachexic young boy. He had multiple swellings over scalp (6 9 4 cm), chest wall (8 9 5 cm) and sacrum (5 9 2 cm, 3 9 2 cm) that were firm to hard, non-tender and adherent to the underlying structure (Fig. 1a, c, d). He also had proptosis of the right eye (Fig. 1b). Ocular movements and pupillary reflex were preserved. Rest of the clinical examination was unremarkable. His complete blood count showed, Hemoglobin 138 g/ L, WBC 3.6 9 10 9 /L, and Platelets 260 9 10 9 /L with a normal peripheral blood smear. A Whole-body PET CT showed intense FDG avid lesions corresponding to the clinically apparent sites along with a retro-orbital mass (Fig. 2). The histopathology report of the biopsied tissue from the sacral swelling was suggestive of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Bone marrow aspiration-biopsy showed 26% MPO negative blast, which was positive for CD13, CD33, CD34, CD38, CD117 and HLA DR and Cytogenetic studies revealed t (8:21) (AML/ETO or RUNX1/ RUNX1T1). Diagnosis of Acute myeloid leukemia with recurrent cytogenetic abnormality t (8:21