Abstract. We design a numerical scheme for solving the Multi step-forward Dynamic Programming (MDP) equation arising from the time-discretization of backward stochastic differential equations. The generator is assumed to be locally Lipschitz, which includes some cases of quadratic drivers. When the large sequence of conditional expectations is computed using empirical leastsquares regressions, under general conditions we establish an upper bound error as the average, rather than the sum, of local regression errors only, suggesting that our error estimation is tight. Despite the nested regression problems, the interdependency errors are justified to be at most of the order of the statistical regression errors (up to logarithmic factor). Finally, we optimize the algorithm parameters, depending on the dimension and on the smoothness of value functions, in the limit as the time mesh size goes to zero and compute the complexity needed to achieve a given accuracy. Keywords. Backward stochastic differential equations, dynamic programming equation, empirical regressions, non-asymptotic error estimates.
IntroductionFramework. Let T > 0 be a fixed terminal time and W be a q-dimensional (q ≥ 1) Brownian motion defined on a filtered probability space (Ω, F, P), where the filtration (F t ) 0≤t≤T satisfies the usual hypotheses; the filtration may be larger than that generated by W . Let π := {0 = t 0 < . . . < t N = T } be a time-grid for the interval [0, T ], whose (i + 1)-th time-step t i+1 − t i is denoted by ∆ i , whose mesh size is defined by |π| := max 0≤i