Herein we examine the need for minimally invasive mediastinal staging for patients with early-stage non—small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA). Early NSCLC, stages 1 and 2, has a 5-year survival rate between 53 and 92%, whereas stages 3 and 4 have a 5-year survival of 36% and below. With more favorable outcomes in earlier stages, greater emphasis has been placed on identifying lung cancer earlier in its disease process. Accurate staging is crucial as it dictates both prognosis and therapy. Inaccurate staging can adversely impact surgical candidacy (if falsely “over-staged”) or lead to inadequate treatment (if “under-staged”). Clinical staging utilizes noninvasive methods to evaluate the anatomic extent of disease; however, it remains controversial whether mediastinal staging of early NSCLC with radiological exams alone is sufficient. EBUS-TBNA has altered the landscape of invasive mediastinal staging and is a crucial component to improving confidence in lung cancer staging, specifically in early NSCLC. Radiographic occult lymph node metastasis identified upon review of surgical resection specimens of early NSCLC may support the argument to perform EBUS-TBNA in all cases of early-stage disease. Other data suggest that EBUS-TBNA could be spared in cases of peripheral cT1aN0 and cT1bN0 for which surgical resection with lymph node dissection is planned. By reviewing reported EBUS-TBNA outcomes in patients with early NSCLC, we aim to emphasize the necessity of staging with EBUS in this population.