With super aged society in Japan, the number of accidents stemming from blockage of the oropharyngeal airway has increased. It is thought that this increase may be related to changes in the oropharynx with aging and hence the rate of such accidents is expected to continue to increase in future. Accidents caused by blockage of the oropharynx airway are frequent among the very young and the very old. During early childhood, oral morphology and feeding and swallowing functions are still undeveloped and functional changes take place as the child develops. 1,2) In individuals older than 65 years, drooping of the larynx and a dry mouth are common changes associated with aging, and these are also thought to be responsible for most oropharyngeal airway block age accidents. 3 8) The shape and function of the oropharyngeal crossing with the respiratory tract have a strong influence on the passage of food as it moves from the oral cavity to the pharynx and into the esophagus. The oropharyngeal airway plays an important role in feeding and swallowing. We examined the characteristics and physical changes of the oropharyngeal airway from the teenagers to those in their 70s. Changes to the oropharynx airway volume in children are known to