Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant interest as a cleaner and sustainable mode of transportation compared to fossil-fuel vehicles. Although its background goes beyond a century ago, the effects of global warming have increased the development and utilization of EVs. Similarly, serious investments are being made for the development and use of EVs for batteries and charging stations, and, R&D activities are being carried out in Türkiye. With the start of domestic e-Car utilization, it is expected that e-Cars will be used throughout Türkiye. Therefore, charging stations will be established to meet needs. For this scope, a design study has been conducted at Ondokuz Mayıs University Campus and the number of stations was determined to ensure the effective use of e-Cars at the campus. A field study was conducted on the current parking lots, their capacities, and average occupancy rates. Then, charging station recommendations were developed for each parking lot based on the distribution of EVs by correlating the parking lot capacities, occupancy rates, and distribution. With similar planning to be carried out on other university campuses, universities will be at the forefront of e-Car utilization and many studies can be conducted to solve the problems that will be identified.