Peer review during physician chart rounds is a major quality assurance and patient safety step in radiation oncology. However, the effectiveness of chart rounds in detecting problematic treatment plans is unknown. We performed a prospective blinded study of error detection at chart rounds to clarify the effectiveness of this quality assurance step. Methods and Materials: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System publications were queried for problematic plans approved for treatment that would be detectable at chart rounds. A resident physician, physicist, and dosimetrist collaboratively generated 20 treatment plans with simulated errors identical in nature to those reported to the Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System. These were inserted randomly into weekly chart rounds over 9 weeks, with a median of 2 problematic plans presented per chart rounds (range, 1-4). Data were collected on detection, attendance, length, and number of cases presented at chart rounds. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and univariable logistic regression with odds ratios. Results: The median length of chart rounds over the study period was 60 minutes (range, 42-79); median number of cases presented per chart rounds was 45 (range, 38-50). The overall detection rate was 55% (11 of 20). Detection rates were higher for cases presented earlier in chart rounds: 75% versus 25% of problematic plans were detected within 30 minutes of start of chart rounds versus after 30 minutes (odds Sources of support: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Disclosures: Dr Roy Decker reports grants and personal fees from Merck, personal fees from Astra Zeneca, and personal fees from Regeneron outside the submitted work. Research data are stored in an institutional repository and select data may be shared upon request to the corresponding author as per institutional guidelines.