First Level Health Facilities (FLHF) require medical and financial record for local and foreign patients. The purpose of the study was to implement and to obtain an overview of user acceptance of spreadsheet-based medical and financial records. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The application was implemented in an FLHF, a clinic that provides health services to local and foreign patients. The conversion was done by direct conversion method, by stopping the old system and replacing it with a new system. Spreadsheet-based financial and medical records were stated valid if they were able to provide the same results as a manual system. User acceptance of the application is obtained based on user perceptions of usefulness aspects and ease of use aspects. The result shows that application is valid to be used to replace or complete the manual medical and financial records that have been used previously. Users, especially administration officers, can accept applications and are interested in using the application further. While doctors also consider that the application is useful and easy to use, it's just that doctors are not interested in using this application.