“…to react for a period of . During this time, the local concentrations reach the values cA(x,At) and cB(x,At), and the change of the concentration of both reactants is Ac(x,At) = cA(x,0) -cA(x,At) = cB(x,0) -cB(x,At) (13) which can be calculated from Ac(x,At) = cb(x,0)F/(F -1) -cB(x,0)/(F -1) (14) where cA(x,0) F = expj[cA(x,0) -cB(x,0)]fcA/j (15) cB(x,0) Equations 14 and 15 are obtained from the integrated rate equations of reaction 1. In case of complex reaction mechanisms, the system of differential rate equations must be solved numerically.10 The concentrations c¡(x,Aí) at the end of the reaction step are the initial values for the next diffusion step.…”