We measure and quantify properties of galactic outflows and diffuse gas at z 1 in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations performed using the GADGET-3 code containing novel baryonic feedback models. Our sub-resolution model, MUPPI, implements supernova feedback using fully local gas properties, where the wind velocity and mass loading are not given as input. We find the following trends at z = 2 by analysing central galaxies having a stellar mass higher than 10 9 M ⊙ . The outflow velocity and mass outflow rate (Ṁ out ) exhibit positive correlations with galaxy mass and with the star formation rate (SFR). However, most of the relations present a large scatter. The outflow mass loading factor (η) is between 0.2 − 10, with an average η ∼ 1. The comparison Effective model generates a constant outflow velocity as expected from the input fixed wind kick speed, and a negative correlation of η with halo mass as opposed to the fixed input η. The shape of the outflows is bi-polar in 95% of the MUPPI galaxies. The MUPPI model produces colder galaxy cores and flatter gas metallicity radial profiles than the Effective model. The number fraction of galaxies where outflow is detected decreases at lower redshifts, but remains more than 80% over z = 1 − 5. High SF activity at z ∼ 2 − 4 drives strong outflows, causing the positive and steep correlations of velocity andṀ out with SFR. The outflow velocity correlation with SFR becomes flatter at z = 1, and η displays a negative correlation with halo mass in massive galaxies. Our study demonstrates that both the MUPPI and Effective models produce significant outflows at ∼ 1/10 of the virial radius; at the same time shows that the properties of outflows generated can be different from the input speed and mass loading in the Effective model. Our MUPPI model, using local properties of gas in the sub-resolution recipe, is able to develop galactic outflows whose properties correlate with global galaxy properties, and consistent with observations.