The lack of a global magnetic field and relatively thin atmosphere on Mars provide little shielding from the galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar energetic particles present at the top of its atmosphere. Unlike UV photons, which do not penetrate beyond the top several mm of the surface (Cockell & Raven, 2004), these high energy particles can reach several meters into the Martian soil (Dartnell et al., 2007b;Hassler et al., 2014), altering and destroying organic matter buried at depth. Models of the radiation dose accumulation rates of the shallow Martian subsurface, <10 cm, indicate that 99.9% of high molecular weight organics, ∼300 amu, will be destroyed after 300 Myrs of exposure and low molecular weight organics, ∼100 amu, will be destroyed after 1 billion years (Pavlov et al., 2012), suggesting that complex organic material, including molecular biosignatures, is unlikely to survive on geologic timescales. Despite this hostile radiation environment, definitive in situ detection of indigenous, complex Martian organic material have occurred at several locations on Mars. The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument onboard