It is widely believed that impurity-ligand bond distances in lanthanide ͑Ln͒ and actinide ͑An͒ doped crystals, are larger in the f nϪ1 d 1 energy levels than in the f n ones. This idea, which was not justified and is probably based on the fact that Ln 5d (An 6d) orbitals have a radial extent much larger than Ln 4 f (An 5 f ) orbitals, has been neither confirmed nor rejected experimentally in spite of the fact that a very large number of absorption/emission spectroscopic studies on f -element doped hosts exist, because the band shapes depend on the square of the bond length offsets between initial and final electronic states. Recent quantum chemical calculations on Ln and An impurities in fluoride and chloride cubic hosts, which considered host embedding, dynamic electron correlation, and relativistic spin-free and spin-orbit coupling effects, have shown that impurity-ligand bond distances are classified in three sets according to their configuration, with the following trend:) 1 ͔, in contradiction with the assumed expectations. In this paper we give an interpretation of this, on the basis of a constrained space orbital variation analysis of the chemical bond in states of the f n , f nϪ1 d(t 2g ) 1 , and f nϪ1 d(e g ) 1 configurations of four model systems: Cs 2 NaYCl 6 :Ce 3ϩ , Cs 2 NaYCl 6 :Pr 3ϩ , Cs 2 ZrCl 6 :Pa 4ϩ , and Cs 2 ZrCl 6 :U 4ϩ . The analysis shows that the basic difference between f n and f nϪ1 d 1 configurations regarding bond effects which are responsible for the bond distance is that, in the former, all the open-shell electrons are shielded from the ligands by the 5p (6p) filled shell and the bond length is determined by closed-shell interactions between the outermost Ln 5p 6 (An 6p 6 ) shell and the ligands, whereas in the latter one electron has crossed the 5p (6p) barrier and is much more exposed to bonding interactions with the ligands, at the same time that an internal 4 f (5 f ) hole has been created which induces ligand to Ln ͑An͒ charge transfer, all of it resulting in the shown trends.