the removal mechanism of refractory deep-ocean dissolved organic carbon (deep-Doc) is poorly understood. the Amundsen Sea polynya (ASp) serves as a natural test basin for assessing the fate of deep-Doc when it is supplied with a large amount of fresh-Doc and exposed to strong solar radiation during the polynya opening in austral summer. We measured the radiocarbon content of Doc in the water column on the western Amundsen shelf. the radiocarbon content of Doc in the surface water of the ASP reflected higher primary production than in the region covered by sea ice. The radiocarbon measurements of DOC, taken two years apart in the ASP, were different, suggesting rapid cycling of Doc. the increase in Doc concentration was less than expected from the observed increase in radiocarbon content from those at the greatest depths. Based on a radiocarbon mass balance, we show that deep-Doc is consumed along with fresh-Doc in the ASp. our observations imply that water circulation through the surface layer, where fresh-Doc is produced, may play an important role in global Doc cycling.The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the deep ocean (>1000 m, hereafter deep-DOC) is vertically uniform, but varies horizontally from ~34 to 48 μmol kg −1 (ref. 1 ). The 14 C ages of deep-DOC range from ~4000 yr in the North Atlantic to ~6500 yr in the North Pacific 2-6 . The old 14 C ages, together with its resistance to bacterial consumption 7 , imply that deep-DOC is refractory. A decrease in deep-DOC concentration of ~29% along the deep water circulation path is consistent with a very slow consumption rate 8 . Bacterial degradation, photochemical degradation, and adsorption to particles have been demonstrated as potential removal mechanisms 8-13 . However, the removal processes of deep-DOC are still not clearly understood.The Amundsen Sea in the west Antarctic is characterized by a relatively broad and deep continental shelf and extensive perennial sea ice cover 14 (Fig. 1). Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) flows onto the Amundsen Shelf along the seafloor [15][16][17] . A part of the intruding CDW mixes with the overlying water to form modified CDW (MCDW). In the surface layer above ~400 m, water flows north, northwest, and off the shelf in general 18,19 . The western Amundsen Sea harbors a highly productive polynya, the Amundsen Sea Polynya (ASP) [20][21][22] . Peak annual production can be as high as ~3 gC m −2 d −1 with an average annual production of 105 gC m −2 yr −1 (ref. 22 ). High primary production in summer supplies considerable DOC (fresh-DOC) to the euphotic layer 20 . Deep-DOC supplied to the surface layer of the Amundsen Sea via CDW intrusion and mixing with the overlying water is subjected to biogeochemical processes such as the addition of extensive fresh-DOC 20 and microbial 23 and/or photochemical degradation 10 . The turnover time of the waters in the western Amundsen Sea embayment was suggested to be a few decades based on the 14 C content of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) 24 . Because of this unique enviro...