usually referred to simply as “photocatalysis”
is a relatively new and yet still a growing subject area, which has
led to a billion-dollar industry, mostly focused on the production
of self-cleaning architectural materials, such as glass, paint, tiles,
fabric, plastic and concrete. All such materials need to be tested
for activity, but for self-cleaning activity there are few appropriate
tests; the International Standards Organization, ISO, for example,
have at present only two, both of which are slow and largely ineffective
for most commercial self-cleaning products. The photocatalyst community
in general, and the manufacturers of self-cleaning photocatalytic
products in particular, need a fast, simple, easy to use method of
assessing photocatalytic activity, which can also be used to demonstrate
the efficacy of self-cleaning materials in minutes, i.e., a quantitative and qualitative test.
In this account we highlight our work on photocatalyst
indicator inks, i.e., paiis, which
address the above need and work via the photocatalyzed
reduction of a dye, usually resazurin, Rz, and concomitant oxidation
of an organic, almost always glycerol. We describe our early work
on the Rz ink which showed that, when used to assess photocatalytic
film activity, the measured rate of change in color is directly proportional
to the measured rate of photocatalyzed mineralization of the popular
test pollutants stearic acid, SA, and methylene blue, MB, by O2. We show that photography, coupled with digital color analysis,
is just as effective and much less expensive at measuring the rate
of color change exhibited by paiis as UV/vis spectrophotometry
and also can be used for testing clear and opaque photocatalytic samples
in the laboratory and in situ. We demonstrate how
the Rz ink can be used to assess the activities of both UV and Visible
light absorbing photocatalytic powders and thin films, and highly
colored samples. The kinetics of the photocatalyzed color change are
outlined, which are zero-order with respect to the initial dye concentration
and ink film thickness. We describe the basic features of the recently
published Rz-ink based ISO for the qualitative and quantitative assessment
of activity of nonporous, flat photocatalytic films.
the Rz ink is best suited for assessing films of moderate
photocatalytic activity, such as found in most examples of commercial
self-cleaning glass, other paiis are described which
can be used to assess commercial products that have much higher or
lower, activities, such as photocatalytic paints and tiles, respectively.
Examples of how paiis have been used in research
over recent years are given, a highlight of which is their use in
the search for a suitable, visible light absorbing photocatalyst alternative
to TiO2, that can compete with the latter in terms of cost,
durability, stability, and activity. Finally, the novel, photocatalyst-based
inks that have been developed as a consequence of the works on paiis are discussed briefly, inclu...