To elucidate the mechanism underlying skin wrinkle formation, one feature of photoaging, we recently performed a study in which rat hind limb (plantar) skin was short-term chronically irradiated with ultraviolet-B (UVB) at 1 MED or lower. That study showed that elastase activity was increased in the rat hind limb skin 1) and changed the 3-dimensional structure of dermal elastic fibers, which bent the fibers responsible for skin elasticity 2,3) and thus decreased skin elasticity, forming wrinkles. 1,4,5) We also reported that this series of events could be inhibited by application of an elastase activity-inhibiting agent after UVB irradiation. 1,6,7) Inhibition of the UVB-induced increase in skin elastase activity prevented by the agent maintained the linearity of dermal elastic fibers and inhibited the decrease in skin elasticity, resulting in the inhibition of wrinkle formation. 1,6,7) This finding suggested that application of an elastase inhibitor immediately after UVB exposure would inhibit photoaging of the skin, mainly wrinkles.It has been shown that chronic UVB irradiation of the dorsal skin forms wrinkles in hairless mice 8,9) and that chronic ultraviolet-A (UVA) irradiation forms mainly sags. 8,9) In animal models, chronic UVA irradiation increased skin elastase activity and destroyed the 3-dimensional structure of dermal elastic fibers, decreasing skin elasticity, similarly to UVB irradiation.5,9-11) There have been many reports that the application of sunscreens before UV exposure inhibits the photoaging of skin in animal models and in humans. 8,[12][13][14][15][16] Based on those findings, application of a sunscreen before UV exposure might be expected to inhibit an increase in skin elastase activity even when UVA is continuously irradiated. It is therefore important and interesting to investigate the effects of chronic UVA irradiation on elastase activity in skin protected with sunscreens before irradiation in an animal model.The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of the photoprotection from UVA by topically applied sunscreens on skin elastase activity and on skin properties.
MATERIALS AND METHODSAnimals Forty female HR/ICR hairless mice were used. This strain was derived by crossing 6 week old hairless mice (HR/HR) originally obtained from Nisseiken Corp (Tokyo, Japan) with the albino strain HaM/ICR. The HR/ICR strain represents a line maintained under clean conventional conditions in our laboratory by hairless brother/haired sister mating for several years. All experiments were performed with hairless female mice only, which had free access to food and water. They were housed in rooms where the lighting (without UVB emission) was automatically regulated on a 12 h light and dark cycle. The experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics Review Committee for Animal Experimentation of Kao Corp.UVA Irradiation UVA irradiation was carried out as described previously.9,10) Briefly, mice were irradiated using a bank of 12 Toshiba BL lamps with a glass filter (0.5 cm thick) for UVA (peak of...