The current TV ecosystem is being disturbed by four major fragmentations: linear vs. on-demand content, traditional vs. newer operators, curated vs. algorithmic selection, and TV set vs. additional visualization devices. These fragmentations are changing the TV ecosystem from being channel-based to one that is app-based. However, this multiple app approach makes for a much more complex user experience for the TV viewer. This paper presents fve specifc strategies, both technological and business-related, to address this challenge and to have the potential to create a win-win scenario for both pay-TV operators and their customers. Those strategies were derived from the experience obtained during the development of the UltraTV research project, which aimed to create a content unifcation paradigm to improve the TV viewer user experience and its subsequent successful transfer to a commercial ofer.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); • Information systems → Information systems applications; Multimedia information systems; Multimedia streaming; • Applied computing → Arts and humanities.