Ci3s'ri"" authored by a contractor of the Un&-StatGovernment under contraAccordingly the United States Gov. srnment retains a non -exclusive royalty-free license to publish or re. produce the published form of thie ....The short-range order (SRO) present in disordered solid solutions is classified according to three characteristicsystem-dependent energies: (1) formation enthalpiesof ordered compounds, (2) enthalpiesof mixing of disordered alloys, and (3) the energy of coherent phase separation, (the compositionweighted energy of the constituents each constrained to maintain a common lattice constant along an A/B interface). These energies are all compared agaimt a common reference, the energy of incoherent phase separation (the composition-weightedenergyof the constituentseach at their own equilibrium volumes). UnlikeIong-rangeorder (LRO), short-rangeorder is determined by energetic competition between phases at a jized composition, and hence only coherentphase-separated states are of relevance for SRO. We find five distinct SRO types, and show examples of each of these five types, including CU-AU,A1-Mg, GaP-InP, Ni-Au, and Cu-Ag.
AbstractThe short-rangeorder (SRO) present indisordered solid solutions is classified according to three characteristicsystem-dependent energies: (1) formation enthaIpiesof ordered compounds, (2) enthalpiesof mixing of disordered alloys, and (3) the energy of coherent phase separation, (the compositionweighted energy of the constituents each constrained to maintain a common lattice constant along an A/13 interface). These energies are all compared against a common reference, the energy of incoherent phase separation (the composition-weightedenergyoft he constituentseach at their own equilibrium volumes). UnlikeIong-rangeorder (LRO), short-rangeorder is determined by energetic competition between phases at a j'%ed composition, and hence only coherent phase-separated states are of relevancefor SRO. We find five distinct SRO types, and show examples of each of these five types, including CU-AU,A1-Mg, GaP-InP, Ni-Au, and Cu-Ag. The SRO is calculated from 1 . first-principlesusing the mixed-space cluster expansion approach combined .