TNF-a receptor 1 expression on acute myeloid leukemic blasts predicts differentiation into leukemic dendritic cells Leukemia (2004) the unique ability to differentiate into leukemic DC, thereby conserving their intrinsic leukemia antigen repertoire and obtaining full potential of antigen presentation. We have shown that DC generated from acute myeloid leukemic (AML) blasts are able to initiate autologous cytotoxic T-cell responses, and thus hold promise for vaccination purposes in a minimal residual disease (MRD) status. 1 In a recently performed phase-I study on CML-DC vaccination in advanced stage chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), we were able to detect strong DTH-responses representing autologous CML-specific T-cell responses. 2 The presence of various cytokines such as GM-CSF, SCF, Flt3-L, TNF-a, IL-3 and IL-4 induces differentiation into AML-DC in approximately 2 weeks, also under clinical grade serum-free The PIG3 polymorphic promoter shows LOH in de novo AML. Electropherograms obtained with labeled PCR products containing the PIG3 microsatellite (TGYCC)n. Top: sample obtained at diagnosis displayed a loss of the 17 repeats allelle (arrow). Bottom: sample obtained at remission.
1149Leukemia conditions. 1, 3 We showed previously that it is also possible to generate AML-DC in a 2-day culture period by the incubation with calcium ionophores (CI), thereby bypassing receptor mediated signalling. 1 AML-DC cultured by CI displayed, both phenotypically and functionally, a more mature state than those cultured with a combination of cytokines. However, CI-cultured cells were found to be less viable. 1 Consequently, the CI-based method can only be used if high amounts of AML blasts are available. The common use of the cytokine-based method to develop AML-DC is accompanied by a variable DC differentiation inducibility, irrespective of French-American-British (FAB) classification. For these reasons, we examined the possibility to select a culture method in advance that will result in the most optimal generation of AML-DC for each individual patient. In this study we investigated whether the cytokine receptor profile of AML blasts is predictive for the ability to differentiate into AML-DC. After informed consent, peripheral blood and bone marrow mononuclear cells of AML patients were collected. A total of 33 patients (21 female, 12 male) were included with a median age of 60 years (range: 22-88), with the following FAB classifications: M0 (2), M1 (5), M2 (5), M4 (8), M5 (10), RAEB-t (1), unclassified (2). AML cells were cultured as published previously. 1,3 Briefly, fresh or thawed mononuclear cells were cultured in either RPMI-1640; 20% fetal calf serum; 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin (n ¼ 6) or Stem Spant SFEM serum-free medium (n ¼ 27); 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin. Differentiation towards DC was induced by the addition of a combination of cytokines (n ¼ 33): GM-CSF, TNF-a, IL-3, SCF, Flt3-L and IL-4 or CI A23187 and IL-4 (n ¼ 28). 1,3 IL-4 was added to the CI culture to prevent the...