“…Patients with at least three major defects are diagnosed as having VATER association. However, there are several other congenital syndromes, including the Goldenhar syndrome [5], the coloboma, heart disease, atresia choanae, retarded growth and development, genital hypospadia, and ear anomalies/deafness (CHARGE) syndrome [13,16], the mullerian duct aplasia, renal aplasia and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia (MURCS) association [15], the HoltOram syndrome (cardiac and forelimbs anomalies) [6], and the omphalocele, exstrophy, imperforate anus, and spinal defects (OEIS) complex [3], which have manifestations overlapping those of the VATER association. These types of patients may even be described as special forms of VATER associations [22], although some authors have discouraged the extension of the term VA-TER to encompass a wide spectrum of different diseases of diverse aetiologies in the association [20].…”