The memory effect is a prediction of general relativity on the same footing as the existence of gravitational waves. The memory effect is understood at future null infinity as a transition induced by null radiation from a Poincaré vacuum to another vacuum. Those are related by a supertranslation, which is a fundamental symmetry of asymptotically flat spacetimes. In this essay, I argue that finite supertranslation diffeomorphisms should be extended into the bulk spacetime consistently with canonical charge conservation. It then leads to fascinating geometrical features of gravitational Poincaré vacua. I then argue that in the process of black hole merger or gravitational collapse, dramatic but computable memory effects occur. They lead to a final stationary metric which qualitatively deviates from the Schwarzschild metric.Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2016 Awards for Essays on Gravitation. Honorable mention.
arXiv:1606.00377v1 [hep-th] 1 Jun 2016What is gravity? In general relativity, the gravitational field is the metric field. It contains the Newtonian potential corrected by relativistic effets, which leads to gravitational attraction, the bending of light and many other well-known gravitational phenomena. The metric also describes gravitational waves, a spin 2 field best isolated in linearized Einstein gravity, which couples to the Newtonian field at the non-linear level. Finally, the metric also contains a third physically distinct component: the supertranslation memory field, originally defined close to future null infinity. This field is intimately coupled to gravitational waves but is related to a physically distinct effect: the memory effect [1,2]. I will argue that the supertranslation memory field leads to new phenomena when considered in the bulk spacetime.
Gravitational memoryAfter the passage of either gravitational waves or null matter between two detectors placed in the asymptotic null region, the detectors generically acquire a finite relative spatial displacement and a finite time shift. This is the memory effect, respectively non-linear for gravitational waves and linear for null matter [1,2]. Since this displacement is a zero frequency effect, it cannot straightforwardly be detected by ground-based interferometers such as LIGO mainly because of seismic noise which blurs the signal at low frequencies < 30Hz. Nevertheless, sophisticated data analyses might make such a measurement possible in the future [3].Memory effects do not exist in Newtonian gravity. In Einstein gravity, they naturally arise in post-Newtonian wave forms created by an inspiraling binary system. Such wave forms depend upon the entire past history of the system [4]. These "hereditary effects" can be identified as the tail effect and the non-linear memory effect [5]. The tail effect first appears at 1.5PN order and is attributed to backscattering of past gravitational waves. It will not concern us here. The nonlinear memory effect first appears at 2.5PN order and gives rise to a net cumulative change ...