In this work the design and development of a power processing unit for a vacuum arc thruster is presented. The thruster is part of the Seamless Radio Access Networks for Internet of Space (SeRANIS) mission of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, which will work as first multifunctional laboratory in orbit with public access. In addition to the basic functionality of generating a voltage peak for igniting the thruster, the power processing unit is equipped with techniques for controlling the ignition sequence and monitoring desired key values. The ignition procedure starts with generating the first trigger signal up to the point where a full-blown plasma is established. The PPU guarantees reliable performance by blocking every additional incoming signal while the ignition sequence is under way and the separation of the satellite’s power bus before the thruster discharges. The status of the power processing unit is constantly controlled and information is provided whether ignition was successful or not. The functionality of this circuit is based on simulation before assembly and testing. In addition, the presented system was designed to pass a test cycle of mechanical, thermal and electrical tests before being declared ready for the space mission.