“…First of all, we can easily show that there are no critical points on the set f −1 (0) and each connected component of f −1 (0) is totally geodesic (see Section 2). Motivated by [8] and [9], the strategy of the proof is to introduce a 2-form ω = df ∧ i ∇f z g , consisting of the total differential, df , of the potential function f and the traceless Ricci tensor z g on M defined by z g = Ric g − Scalg n g, and show that ω = 0, under the PIC condition. Here i ∇f z denotes the interior product and Scal g is the scalar curvature of the metric g. Consequently, vanishing of ω = 0 is equivalent that z g is radially flat, i.e., z g (X, ∇f ) = 0 for any vector field X orthogonal to ∇f , and this implies that the potential function f does not have critical points except at minimum and maximum points.…”