Only brief reports have appeared concerning carotid sinus baroreceptor fibres which conduct orthodromic impulses peripherally in the aortic nerve (Holmes, 1954;Bianconi & Raschi, 1959) and a vagal cardiac branch (Green, 1959) of the cat. The finding of a similar fibre in the cervical vagus of a dog (Jewett, 1964) led to the study to be described here. In the cat, besides these fibres, other baroreceptor fibres and some 'pulmonary stretch' fibres were found to conduct impulses peripherally in the aortic nerve. Electrical stimulation gave results which might be explained by assuming that these 'sensory' fibres do not pass to the central nervous system.
METHODSNineteen cats weighing between 1-6 and 5-5 kg were anaesthetized with intra-peritoneal pentobarbitone sodium, 30-40 mg/kg body wt. With the cat supine the trachea was cannulated low in the neck. To facilitate dissection the block of tissue containing the pretracheal musculature, trachea, oesophagus, larynx, and lower pharynx was removed after nerves and vessels along the sides had been sectioned. To record respiration through changes in intra-thoracic oesophageal pressure, the oesophageal stump was cannulated with a polyethylene catheter inserted far enough to lie within the thorax. An unheated (28-33°C) liquid paraffin pool ( 0.850) was formed within supported skin flaps; beneath its surface the vagus could be dissected readily to above the nodose ganglion. The nodose ganglion as well as the aortic nerve was identified by dissecting centrally along the superior laryngeal nerve. All recordings were made from the central segmentst (either at the cut end or along the nerve) of cut whole nerves from which the connective tissue had been removed with fine jeweller's forceps. Recording electrodes were AgCl-coated Ag wire of 0-025 in. diameter and stimulating electrodes were the same or of Pt; electrodes were positioned by Prior manipulators. Each of two square-wave stimulators could be made to fire at any given point on a freerunning oscilloscope sweep; the repetition frequency was usually either 50/sec or 100/sec. Recording electrode potentials were differentially amplified by a battery-powered Tektronix 122 pre-amplifier leading to a Tektronix 502 dual-beam oscilloscope. The high-frequency filters attenuated to half value at 1 kc and low-frequency filter attenuated to more than * Present address: Department of Physiology, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, California 94122, U.S.A. t The term 'segment' is used to avoid the confusion arising from the usual terminology: a cut nerve has four ends, but only two segments.